Look around before you subscribe or switch to another tariff package

Last updated: 7 October 2024

Phone tariffs and expected monthly costs (HU only)
The Average Monthly Cost Indicator (AMCI/ÁHK) created by the NMHH helps you to find your way around the many different tariffs for different types of services. It shows the expected monthly cost of each tariff package for the same consumption and the exact services that can be used for this price.

The range of tariff plans available for subscription in a given month and their average monthly cost are updated at the beginning of each month on the NMHH website. This way, consumers have access to the current offers of the largest domestic operators and their most important features in one place.

For fixed line operators, the site shows the tariff packages of DIGI, Magyar Telekom and Vodafone, while for mobile operators it shows the tariff packages of Magyar Telekom, Vodafone and Yettel.

For fixed line and prepaid mobile tariff packages, the AMCI values calculated on the basis of average domestic consumption help to compare expected costs, while for prepaid mobile tariff packages, the variety and diversity of the packages and the diversity of residential user needs have required a much more precise cost estimate.

The NMHH has therefore created a special calculator to compare the expected costs and services of subscription mobile tariff packages, where all interested parties can set their expectations for a tariff package and receive the best offers for a search tailored to their needs.

This service is only available in Hungarian.