Data erasure

General information

To protect our personal data, the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) offers consumers a free data erasure service in its non-regulatory powers. The data erasure application allows you to securely and permanently erase data stored on a wide range of durable media devices, such as mobile phones and laptops.

The NMHH performs the tasks related to the data erasure application pursuant to Government Decree No. 726/2020 (XII. 31.) (hereinafter referred to as the “Decree”) on the determination of procedural rules related to the provision of an application enabling data to be made permanently inaccessible.

The data erasure service can be activated by means of a data erasure code provided to consumers by the trader, the operator of the online marketplace and the operator of the program with online invoicing functionality (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “trader”).

Traders will have to claim data erasure codes from the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) electronically by filling in a form. Traders shall provide the data erasure codes to consumers purchasing a durable media device free of charge.

Data erasure codes are provided to consumers by being recorded on the invoice or receipt, or in the notification of the conclusion of the sales contract and/or by other means (in particular on paper). One data erasure code allows you to erase data from a single durable media device once.

If the consumer did not receive a data erasure code from the trader when purchasing a durable media device, they can claim one from the NMHH for purchases made after 1 December 2021 by sending the original or a copy of the purchase receipt or the notification of the conclusion of the sales contract. More information: Claim a data erasure code (consumer)

The consumer can activate the data erasure application with the data erasure code, within two weeks of receipt, following the data provision to the NAV by the trader pursuant to Section 9(3) of the Decree.

In order to provide information on the use of the application, the Authority has created the website. The following is available on the website from the day the service starts:

  • clear, user-friendly, accessible user guide and terms of use for using the application,
  • a detailed list of devices that can be erased with the data erasure application,
  • information on the contact details for customer services related to the use of the service,
  • use of the data eraser application.

To use the data erasure service, traders initially provided consumers with a paper label – a sticker containing a data erasure code.

Image of the label containing the data erasure code

The labels were phased out after 31 December 2023, so from 1 January 2024 traders can only provide consumers with an electronic data erasure code, which will not affect the usability of data erasure codes on labels previously issued between 1 December 2021 and 31 December 2023.

The labels not issued by 31 December 2023 may only be transferred by the NMHH (until 30 November 2026) on the basis of Section 14(4) of the Decree, for the purpose of promoting educational and awareness-raising activities related to the protection of personal data and raising consumer awareness of the protection of personal data.

Information for traders

From 15 December 2022, traders have to claim data erasure codes from the NAV electronically by filling in a form.

Information on the changes to the data erasure code regulation from 21 August 2024 can be found on the NAV website.

For cross-border online marketplace operators, the relevant notice on the specific procedure for the erasure codes that they provide to consumers is available at the NAV website.

The consumer protection authority monitors whether traders properly hand over erasure codes to consumers, keep records in compliance with the provisions, and fulfil their obligations to inform consumers.

Customer services

Data Erasure Portal

Customer service Contact details of supervisory bodies