Age-limit circles on the radio

You may want to know how the age rating is communicated on the radio where no age-limit circles are required to be displayed before and during each television programme can be used. Radio stations are also required to rate every single programme into specific age categories.

The same age-limit categories apply to them as to television programmes. For more information, click the Content tab of our Television subsite.

The only difference is that in the case of radio media services no rating information needs to be communicated if a programme rated in category II or III is broadcast between 9 pm and 5 am, or if a programme rated in category IV or V is broadcast between 11 pm and 5 am. If a programme with an age-limit is broadcast in any other time slot, the radio is required to provide listeners with clear rating information in Hungarian language for a minimum duration of 3 seconds before the specific programme as per the recommendation of the Media Council of NMHH.