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Media Council passes decisions on radio tenders
The Council reviewed a late March broadcast of the programme “Vesztegzár” aired on Klubrádió, yet did not initiate proceedings.
Media Council: seven new episodes to animated series and eight online works can be produced
At this week’s meeting, the Media Council of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) awarded HUF 56.9 million in the Macskássy Gyula tender of the patronage programme announced for the production of animated films and HUF 8 million in the Neumann János tender for the production and publishing of online content for public service purposes. A total of fifteen new works can be produced. Decisions on media service providers were also made at the meeting.
New Budapest radio station under the name Cross FM
A new regional community radio station under the name Cross FM may start its operation at the currently vacant 98.6 MHz Budapest frequency after the Media Council of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) announced Manna Vision Media Kft. as the winning bidder at this week’s meeting.
NMHH Media Council: HUF 186.3 million granted for the overhead costs of community media service providers
The Media Council also approved the study on the sponsorship practices of television stations with the widest population coverage, which revealed that the percentage of sponsored content in relation to transmission time was less than 2 per cent in the case of all television channels.
Echo TV aired content inciting hatred against NGOs
The Media Council of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) imposed a fine of HUF 500,000 on Echo TV’s service provider for inciting hatred against non-governmental organisations.
The Media Council deemed an article on immigrants to be exclusionary
Béla Lugosi, the actor best known for his famous role as Dracula, as well as Rudolf Kárpáti, sabre fencer and Zsuzsanna Kossuth, the founder of the first military hospitals were amongst the subject matters of animations and films discussed at the Media Council’s weekly session.
NMHH Media Council: nearly HUF 27 million for development to 15 television channels and radio stations
The Media Council of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority has granted subsidies to six small community and nine community media in the second round of its call for applications for technical development financing.
NMHH Media Council: tenders for the Budapest 98.6 MHz radio frequency can be submitted on 2 October
On 21 August, the Media Council of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority made a clarification for formal reasons in its invitation to tender for the Budapest 98.6 MHz local radio frequency accepted on 25 July, therefore, the date of submission has been modified from 6 September to 2 October.
The Media Council of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) supports Kristóf Deák’s television film idea
At its session on 25th of July, the Media Council of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) decided to award HUF 600 million for the production of television films and HUF 75.6 million for the production of radio news and infotainment programmes under the Hungarian Media Patronage programme.
NMHH Media Council: HUF 155.2 million production and overhead support for local and district television channels and radio stations
The Media Council will also submit for social review the draft of an invitation to tender for the utilisation of an additional Budapest frequency, and imposed fines for surreptitious advertising and too loud television commercials.