From revenge porn to virtual reality: (Child on the net), the NMHH’s information website for parents, has gone live, the National Media and Infocommunications Authority’s (NMHH) dictionary-structured website for parents was launched on 1 March. The website allows the colleagues of the Authority’s Internet Hotline legal advisory service to inform parents and children on the online medium, providing them with advice and encouraging them to start a discussion on the subject.
The NMHH’s website sets out to provide parents with a brief ‘translation’ and explanation of the digital world, which their children seem to navigate with confidence. It shows the dangers and risks as well as why and how children have fun in online worlds, while also recommending family net safety tools and providing advice for making conscious decisions in complicated online situations.
From algorithms to fact-checking, the website covers several areas, yet its main goal is to provide a selection of themes and encourage parents to discuss those net-related issues with their children to which there are no easy answers. Amongst other things, Gyerekaneten presents popular social media sites from to YouTube, online threats from phishing to ransomware, along with related protective measures and even touches on the phenomena of online dating and the world of video-gaming.
The topic of the month is image-sharing
The webpage is launched with eighty, approximately one-page entries while its dictionary features 250 expressions, abbreviations and slang words. The entries are inter-referenced, while keyword-searches lead to further entries, offering many possible paths for browsing. Visitors can test their newly-acquired knowledge with quizzes, the results of which can be shared with friends. Every month, the Gyerekaneten website will feature a highlighted topic from an independent expert. The author of the initial topic is children's rights expert Szilvia Gyurkó, who provides criteria on whether parents should or shouldn’t share images of their children online.
The entries of the Gyerekaneten website launched on 1 March have been compiled by the representatives of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority’s Internet Hotline, from their own experiences. Based on a separate agreement, the content will be reviewed – from a child’s perspective – in the months to come by the children’s rights ambassadors of the Hintalovon Children’s Rights Foundation. The website will be promoted by a campaign online, in the press and in public areas. The editors plan to regularly expand and update entries and expressions. Subscribers will be notified of new topics and entries through a newsletter.