Authority tasks of the National Radio Frequency Agency (NARFA)
The tasks of the National Radio Frequency Agency (NARFA) are performed by the NMHH Office (acting body: Defence and Law Enforcement Frequency Management Directorate, VRFGI/NARFA HU), which ensures compliance with NATO requirements in military frequency use and liaises with NATO central frequency management body, the NATO Headquarter C3 Staff / Spectrum & C3 Infrastructure Branch (NHQC3S/SC3IB).
Tasks of NARFA HU:
- enforcement of allied requirements in long-term planning of national frequency use (development of spectrum strategy), enforcement of NATO requirements in legislation on national frequency allocation and rules of frequency use;
- representation of allied needs and national military frequency interests in the field of international radio communications regulation through national delegations at various meetings (ITU / WRC, RRC; CEPT / ECC / WGFM);
- coordination of national military and civil frequency use;
- operational military frequency coordination with neighbouring countries;
- military representation in the NATO Civil/Military Spectrum Capability Panel (CaP3) and its capability teams, liaising with NARFA bodies of NATO member states;
- meeting the frequency needs of allied and partnership forces in Hungary and the Hungarian troops abroad (managing of frequency use);
- control of the military frequency use;
- assessment and registration of equipment usage contributions (NATO Spectrum Supportability Requests) in cooperation with CaP3 and the department fulfilling tasks of civil frequency management authority within NMHH.