Composition and operation of the NATO Civil/Military Spectrum Capability Panel (CaP3)
NATO frequency management in Hungary is realized within the framework of the non-civil frequency management.
In NATO C3B Civil/Military Spectrum Capability Panel (CaP3), the Hungarian national representation (both military and civil) is provided by the Office of the NMHH. Hungarian military representation is fulfilled by the Head of the VRFGF/NARFA HU, while the civil representation is ensured by the person delegated by the Deputy Director of the NMHH Office.
The CaP3 employs a dual session structure which allows for a military only session as well as a civil/military session. In the latter case, both national civil and military representatives together take part in the meetings, thus promoting the coordinated national positions.
NATO defence capabilities are critically dependent on sufficient access to the radio frequency spectrum, therefore from the perspective of the member states the CaP3 activities on coordination and harmonization of the national efforts are essential in many fields. The main CaP3 activities are:
- Development and regular review of the NATO Joint Civil/Military Frequency Agreement (NJFA), which is the basic document of NATO spectrum management;
- Development of NATO Positions on the Agenda Items of Word Radiocommunication Conferences (WRCs), to be approved by North Atlantic Council;
- Development and management of NATO frequency pools;
- Development of unified spectrum management data exchange formats and frequency management tools and databases;
- Fulfilment of peacetime frequency management needs in military operations, exercises and training activities;
- Coordination of adequate and harmonised access to the radio-frequency spectrum for NATO purposes with national authorities to support operations in states of emergency, times of crisis and war.
The CaP3 activities are partly expanded to the NATO Partner Nations.
The CaP3 decision preparatory activity, at the level of elaboration is supported by its four specific task-oriented Capability Teams (CaTs) as described below:
- World Radiocommunincation Conference Preparatory Capability Team (WRC CaT)
Main task: Preparation for WRCs, assessment of military spectrum interests, development of the NATO position.
- Spectrum Analysis Capability Team (SpA CaT)
Main task: Detailed analysis of the planned spectrum usage, development of related NATO documents in order to provide military spectrum access
- Spectrum Tools Configuration Control Team (STCCT)
Main task: Development of unified military spectrum management data exchange formats, tools and databases.
- NATO Pools Coordination Capability Team (Pools Coordination CaT)
Main task: Development and management of common NATO frequency pools.
National participation in activities of CaP3 is a Member State’s obligation.
NATO Civil/Military Spectrum Capability Panel (CaP3) Structure and participation: