Electronic administration contact point for consumers
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Submit complaint not available
This is what you need to submit when you suffer an injury in an infocommunications or media case that is not regulated by law but when the specific media or infocommunications practice injures or may injure your interest or the interests of others.
• The proceeding does not commence upon the complaint but the Commissioner for Media and Infocommunications specialising in such cases within NMHH may coordinate with the parties and striveto facilitate a resolution in the matter. You will be informed about the outcome of this process.
• Submitting the complaint is free of charge.
For example: If you wish complain about the tone, style or rejective (unhelpful and not customer-friendly) attitude of the customer service personnel of the service provider or, for instance, you would like call-in television programmes to display their terms and conditions in larger letters.
Submit report
You need to submit this if the proceeding you request is not in your own case but because you detected the violation of a regulation on electronic communications or media governance.
• The report does not automatically result in a regulatory proceeding; it is within the authority’s discretion to decide whether to initiate a proceeding in the case. If we decide to act on the merits of the case, we commence an ex officio proceeding based on your report. In this case you as the person reporting the issue are not considered to be a client legally, and consequently, you are neither entitled to any client’s rights, nor do you have any client’s obligations. If the authority does not commence a proceeding based on the report, it will inform you about the decision in a formal letter.
• There is only one exception: our Internet Hotline channel allows you to file reports related to your own rights.
• Filing the report is free of charge.
For example: If you realise that the mobile operator does not act in compliance with its general terms and conditions (i.e. not only in your own case) in its subscriber relationships or, for instance, roaming is not calculated in compliance with that set out in the law, or if you see a violent film during the day with an incorrect age rating, or when a radio programme is aired with illegal content.
Submit application not available
This is what you need to submit if you personally suffer an infringement and you request NMHH to take action. In other words, this applies when you are personally involved.
• The proceeding commences upon request, and NMHH always issues a regulatory decision in such cases (this may be a decision on the merits of the case or the proceeding may be concluded without a decision on the merits).
• There may be a fee for certain types of applications. You will be informed of this by our colleagues in a deficiency notice after receipt of your application.
For example: You would like to keep your mobile phone number and you initiated number porting but the operator failed to take action by the deadline.
Before you continue to click – the most frequent answers by NMHH:
- Which category to choose? – Your case may only belong to one of the categories of the three options of reporting, request or complaint. Regardless of the category you select or the manner in which you make your submission, NMHH will always process your case appropriate to the content you communicate. Administration may be speeded up if you use the content categories. If you are unsure about the category your case belongs to, please send an e-mail to NMHH’s customer service at info@nmhh.hu.
- How long does it take to get an answer from the customer service? – Typically NMHH’s response time is max. 15 days in simple cases and no more than 30 days in more complicated, complex issues. The response from the customer service is designed to provide information about the available procedural options and not to resolve the submission in a regulatory proceeding.
- Is there any preliminary condition for NMHH to proceed on the merits of the case? Yes, in many cases you are first required to communicate your issue with your service provider. For instance, if you have an issue with the deteriorating quality of an infocommunications service (e.g. slow internet service) or its unavailability (e.g. no dial tone), or you have a problem with a television or radio programme, you first need to communicate your concern to the service provider. If you do not receive an answer or the service provider fails to handle your complaint as per the relevant legislation, you have the option to contact NMHH. The authority, however, may not make a decision regarding the legal dispute on the performance of the contract as this typically belongs to the competence of the courts. If NMHH uncovers a violation of the law based on your communication, the authority may, for instance, impose a fine.
- Is there any infocommunications or media case that does not belong to NMHH? – Yes, certain complaints about infcommunications and media issues do not belong to the competence of NMHH. For instance, when you only complain about the extent of the subscription fee, the quality of customer service or the content of the invoice issued. In such cases, depending on the specifics of the case, it is often a civil court, or the competent district office of consumer protection with jurisdiction over the case that may proceed. For more information about the competences of NMHH, please send us an e-mail to info@nmhh.hu or call us.