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Community televisions and radios can tender for HUF 110 million worth of grants for technical developments
A Médiatanács a TV2 szolgáltatóját 3,3 millió forintos bírság megfizetésére kötelezte.
Media Council passes decisions on radio tenders
The Council reviewed a late March broadcast of the programme “Vesztegzár” aired on Klubrádió, yet did not initiate proceedings.
Possible unfair commercial practice related to Ékszer TV
NMHH has forwarded the conclusions of its inspection on the programme Ékszer TV of Magyar ATV to the Hungarian Competition Authority.
Due to the epidemic, facilitations will be granted to the media service providers receiving grants from the board
The supervisory body will extend the range of issues that can be covered by subsidised programmes.
Campus Rádió can continue broadcasting
At its first session of the year, the Media Council of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) extended, at the request of the operator, the broadcasting rights of the operator of FM90 Campus Rádió of Debrecen for another five years, as well as announced the winner of the tender for a frequency in Pécs.