One of Europe’s most modern infocommunication technology measurement complexes inaugurated
Preparations for the construction of the new building complex and design work began back in 2016. In the years after the foundation stone was laid in 2020, almost 380 professionals worked on the implementation of the investment. The newly inaugurated, unique EMC measurement laboratory, the 6 measuring chambers and the 150 workstations will enable the NMHH to efficiently filter out equipment that causes interference in infocommunication devices and services.
In addition to smaller devices and household appliances, such as door openers and washing machines, the largest measuring chamber will also be able to accommodate larger objects, such as cars, for testing. The TEMPEST-compliant measurement laboratory will support the work of other state bodies and will reduce Hungary’s dependence on foreign and manufacturer-operated measurement laboratories.
The new building of the NMHH will be open to younger generations who can learn from prominent representatives of the profession and gain precious experience on their way to becoming the infocommunication professionals of the future. Therefore, the new centre will not only support the work of the authority, but will also promote the education and training of professionals, thus contributing to increasing domestic competitiveness.
The conference room, which can accommodate 160 people, will provide an excellent opportunity for a broader public to learn about the NMHH’s work in the field of child protection and media awareness.
During the design, particular attention was paid to sustainability and environmentally friendly solutions. Not only is the building energy-efficient, but it also integrates the latest technological developments. The use of renewable energy sources, the vast green spaces and the thousands of plants planted greatly reduce the ecological footprint of the complex.
At the opening ceremony, András Koltay, President of the NMHH, highlighted the following: “Today, we have inaugurated a facility that will occupy a prominent place in both the infocommunications industry and the academic life. Through their work and research activities, the professionals working in this facility will contribute to shaping our digital future. Change is constant, with new technologies and services emerging on the market almost on a daily basis, which is why the NMHH is continuously preparing for the future in all important respects. The building that has just been inaugurated can be a venue for future technological and scientific projects, can strengthen our relations and our standing on the international stage and may also contribute to further increasing the authority’s reputation."
On behalf of the contractor, Gábor Grabarics, the owner and manager of Grabarics Építőipari Kft., expressed his gratitude to the colleagues who had played a prominent role in implementing the project: “It was an enormous undertaking that required us to live up to the challenge. Even though the official inauguration has taken place today, we will continue to be present and offer support in the first few months. We hope that the NMHH will be able to use the new building efficiently and with pleasure.”
János Sorbán, Chief Financial Officer of the NMHH and head of the investment, and Deputy Director-General Péter Vári also delivered speeches at the inauguration ceremony.
Homlokzati kép az új épületről
Homlokzati kép az új épületről
Ultramodern mérőlabor az elektromágneses megfelelőség (EMC) vizsgálatára
A kivitelező részéről Grabarics Gábor, a Grabarics Építőipari Kft. tulajdonos-ügyvezetője mondott köszöntőt
Dr. Koltay András, az NMHH elnöke arról beszélt, hogy az új épületkomplexum helyszíne lehet a jövőbeli technológiai és tudományos projekteknek
Sorbán János, az NMHH gazdasági igazgatója
Dr. Vári Péter, a hatóság főigazgató-helyettese
Az ünnepélyes szalagátvágás pillanata