New Hungarian communication handbook promoting skills-based model

Published: 7 June 2021

What makes business communication effective? What makes science communication effective? How to educate future generations in communication in an era of increasing robotisation? Based on research findings, Petra Aczél and Ágnes Veszelszki compiled a methodological handbook which radically breaks with the traditional approach to communication as part of the series of books published by the Institute for Media Studies.

This book, produced in professional cooperation between the Institute of Communication and Sociology of Corvinus University of Budapest and the Institute for Media Studies of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority, encourages playful, exciting and experiential learning and develops a new approach to communication. The authors, Petra Aczél and Ágnes Veszelszki, summarise with a scientific approach the effectiveness, the conditions of success and the theoretical principles of business and science communication at the beginning of the two large chapters of the book. The majority of the publication is made up of a wide variety of exercises.

The exercises are organised around development areas and their description is complemented by literature. For business communication, exercises were grouped into four skill sets: leadership, service, collaboration, knowledge. The exercises of science communication are structured in modules.

With the emergence of new media technologies and platforms and media becoming interactive and then customised, the concept of a “knowledge society" seems to be becoming a reality. Hybrid units of scientific and tabloid content, professional and civil content, have been created, which have (also) led to the prevalence of pseudo-science. True science has to compete with the popularity of pseudo-science.

This book provides a new perspective on the skills needed for effective communication, with well-designed practices to help those involved in its development, whether they are teachers, students, university graduates or working professionals. More details about the book can be found on the website of the Institute for Media Studies of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority: