NMHH recognises students’ papers examining the virtual world

Published: 29 March 2021

Fake news and information control, giant platforms and terrorist content, freedom of speech and user awareness – the most popular topics dealt with in the award-winning papers in the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) student competition were related to the legal issues in the expanding cyberspace. Since 2012, the Institute for Media Studies operating under the aegis of the Media Council of the NMHH has awarded research papers written for the Scientific Students’ Associations Conference (TDK) in the field of infocommunications and media law.

On 29 March nine students’ TDK papers were awarded by NMHH. At the online awards ceremony, Monika Karas, President of NMHH, highlighted that the papers showed awareness and mindfulness towards current issues and the students raised topics consciously and boldly. Topics related to the social media regulation, online privacy rights, freedom of speech, and misinformation were included and emphasised in the papers. “The common ground of all this is the question of freedom and responsibility, which must be answered by all generations under new circumstances. Freedom is fragile, responsibility is heavy. Yet we have to find a balance between the two again and again”, the President said in her welcome speech, adding that the award-winning students also sought this balance in their papers.

Since 2012, the Institute for Media Studies (MTMI) operating under the aegis of the Media Council of the NMHH has issued a call for TDK papers dealing with media and infocommunication in every two years. Students, who were able to enter the law studies section of the National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference (OTDK) this year with their TDK papers on media and infocommunications law at their institutions, could submit their applications for the latest call for papers issued by MTMI by 1 December 2020. However, the award was not conditional on the paper written for the OTDK entering the national competition. In addition to the total prize of HUF 1 million, the award-winning papers will also be published shortly on the MTMI’s website at nmhh.hu/mtmi.

The names of the awarded students, the title of their papers, their institutions and supervisors can be found in the table below:

Aurél Zalán Alkonyi Information control and state supervision on the mass media interfaces of modern Russia NKE ÁNTK Dr. Attila Péterfalvi
Máté Bácskai Legal responsibility of the electronic personality PPKE JÁK Dr. János Tamás Papp; Dr. Anna Kiss
István Budai Spreading fake news on social media PPKE JÁK Dr. János Tamás Papp
Dóra Elekes Legal regulation of cinemas in Hungary in the first decades of the 20th century SZIE ÁJK Dr. Roland Kelemen
Daniella Huszár Freedom of Expression in the world of algorithms – Human rights enforcement on social media platforms ELTE ÁJK Dr. Gergely Gosztonyi
Flóra Kondrát Does a big platform bring a great responsibility? – Competition-distorting practices by Google as a digital platform PPKE JÁK Dr. János Tamás Papp; Dr. Pál Béla Szilágyi
Laura Dominika Mihály Foreign and domestic legal means for dealing with terrorist content on media sharing portals SZE ÁJK Dr. Roland Kelemen
Alexandra Tímea Szánthó User awareness in online space ELTE ÁJK Dr. István Erdős
Ákos Szilárd Freedom of speech or are we free to do everything on the internet? ELTE ÁJK Dr. Gergely Gosztonyi
  • ELTE ÁJK: Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar (Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Law)
  • NKE ÁNTK: Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem Államtudományi és Nemzetközi Tanulmányok Kar (University of Public Service, Faculty of Public Governance and International Studies)
  • PPKE JÁK: Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem Jog- és Államtudományi Kar (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences)
  • SZE ÁJK: Széchenyi István Egyetem Deák Ferenc Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar (Széchenyi István University, Deák Ferenc Faculty of Law and Political Sciences)