Digital development is the objective of the radio spectrum strategy until 2025
The National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) established the National Radio Spectrum Strategy for the period of 2021-2025 in consideration of the observations of market players and the experiences of the previous strategic period. Amongst other things, the document reveals that over the next five years, the Authority will be preparing six frequency bands for sale.
The Spectrum Strategy for 2021-25 transcends the registered tasks of the NMHH and focuses on the common reflection and activities of the parties involved in the interest of consumers and end-users. The main objective of the strategy is to ensure that the radio spectrum wouldn’t be the bottleneck of digital development in the short or medium term.
The document reacts to the changes over the previous strategic period (2016-2020): these include the reconfigured economic and social environment, the appearance of new technologies, the changes that took place in domestic and international spectrum regulation and the market shifts as well as the results of the completed sale procedures. Additionally, the strategy examines technological changes as well as economic and social processes such as the appearance and spread of 5G systems or the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. During the preparatory work, the NMHH also assessed the demands of the market players: in 2020, it consulted with service providers, device manufacturers, users as well as the representatives of competent organisations on three separate occasions, including the autumn online workshop.
The Authority’s vision for the spectrum strategy includes the effective facilitation of professional spectrum use and technological advancements that boost consumers’ well-being, the supporting of innovation and thus the development of digital economy in the interest of Hungary’s competitiveness. The strategy states that over the next five years, the NMHH will strive to conduct the competitive selection in accordance with the opinion of market players and as a responsible manager of frequency assets, to take part in the struggle against climate change through spectrum management.
Furthermore, the strategy states that over the next five years, the NMHH will prepare six frequency bands from the set of civilian frequencies for sale, including the 450 MHz, 2100 MHz, 2300 MHz, 2600–2615 MHz, 26 GHz and 32 GHz frequency bands. The sales procedure of the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz frequency bands are already underway, yet the 26 GHz frequency band will play a key role in the implementation of 5G; prior to the sale of the frequency, its current usage must be relocated to a different frequency band (32 GHz), according to the needs of the service provider.
The management of requests from governmental PPDR – public protection and disaster relief – as well as meeting the vertical’s demand for 5G and the digital transformation of the energy sector continue to be listed among the tasks of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority until 2025.