The invitation to tender for the opportunity to provide national commercial radio media services has been finalised
The Media Council of the Office of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) has issued fines due to the violation of the provisions on the volume of advertisements and rules on communal media services. The Media Council has finalised its invitation to tender for the opportunity to provide national commercial radio media services and has signed a temporary public contract with Interax Kft. broadcasting on the Békescsaba 88.9 Mhz frequency.
The Media Council has issued a new round of fines due to loud advertisements
The media service provider of the Story5, 4-es csatorna and Galaxy TV television stations violated the provisions on the volume of advertisements between April and June of this year—on one, three and four occasions, respectively. Due to the repeated infringements, the service provider must pay a fine of 160 thousand forints.
Upon examining a weekly broadcast in May of Pont Radio of Mezőtúr, it transpired that the media service provider aired fewer shows on local community life and facilitating day-to-day activities than stated in their public contract, and had more reruns than allowed, therefore, the Media Council imposed a fine of ten thousand forints. Additionally, the radio’s media service provider failed to issue audible warnings to differentiate the advertisements from other content, therefore, the council called on the radio to comply with regulations and refrain from infringements in the future.
When applying legal consequences, the Media Council always determines the applied form and measure in accordance with the principle of progressiveness and proportionality, whilst considering all circumstances of the case.
Radio-related decisions
The Media Council has finalised its invitation to tender for the opportunity to provide national commercial radio services, with the aim of maintaining the national dual media system and ensuring that, apart from public-service radio stations, a national commercial radio station could operate once again in Hungary as a result of the procedure. The current coverage will increase with premises in Fehérgyarmat, Gerecse, Szentes and Vasvár, bringing the rate of services provided to citizens to 69.3 percent. The invitation to tender was published on Friday by the authority through an announcement and on the NMHH website, which also lists detailed information on the tendering procedure. Interested parties may submit their tenders in person on 7 November, between 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. at the NMHH offices in Ostrom utca, Budapest.
The Council signed a temporary, six-month administrative contract with Interax Kft. broadcasting on the Békéscsaba 88.9 MHz frequency, since Interax Kft. legally challenged the tendering procedure for operation and until the litigation is concluded, the authority will not contract with the new winning party. Based on this, the Békéscsaba radio station has a new, temporary media service providing right until 12 November.
Subsequent to the formal examination of the tender offers submitted for the opportunity to utilize the Keszthely 99.4 MHz local commercial radio media service, the council registered LB Rádió Kft.