NMHH: Digi and Vodafone applied for the 3400–3800 MHz band

Published: 12 May 2016

Két jelentkezőt vett nyilvántartásba a Nemzeti Média- és Hírközlési Hatóság Hivatala a 3400–3800 MHz frekvenciasávban elnyerhető frekvenciahasználati jogosultságok megszerzését célzó árverési eljárásban. A frekvenciasáv a nagy adatátvitelt igénylő szélessávú mobilszolgáltatásokra és olyan vezeték nélküli felhordó hálózatok kiépítésére alkalmas, amelyek megteremtik az egyes hozzáférési pontok és a használók rendszerei közötti kapcsolatot, továbbá az állandó helyű hozzáférési hálózatok kiépítését is lehetővé teszi.

The Office of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) has registered two applicants in the auction procedure opened for the spectrum rights available in the 3400–3800 MHz frequency band. The frequency band is suitable for providing broadband mobile services requiring high-speed, high-density data transfer and for installing wireless backhaul links to create links between individual access points and user systems, and it also provides an opportunity to install fixed access networks.

Two applications have been received in response to the auction procedure announced on 11 April 2016 and according to the inspection of formal validity, both bids comply with formal requirements. Accordingly, DIGI Távközlési és Szolgáltató Kft. and Vodafone Magyarország Zrt. can compete for the spectrum rights available in the 3400–3800 MHz frequency band.

In accordance with the auction rules, in the first phase of the procedure, on Thursday the NMHH officially posted on its website the list of applicants submitting formally valid applications. Among the data listed in the registry, the names and basic identification data of participants are public information.

After the registration of the participants the first phase of the procedure was concluded, and the Contracting Authority will now begin to inspect the substantive validity of the applications. The winner is expected to be announced in a few weeks; according to legislative requirements, the decision must be made within 150 days of the announcement of the auction. Winning bidders will be entitled to use the frequencies until 2034.