Strategy of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (2023-2026)
Freedom and Security in a Digitalising World
‘Today we can only guess what the digital future holds for Hungary and Hungarian society. But whatever the challenges that technology will bring, the opportunities for individual freedom and the safety of our community will be core values and objectives of the NMHH’s work. In order to achieve our goals and succeed in our endeavours, we offer citizens, communications and media market players, as well as the relevant public authorities, a partnership in which we can contribute together to building the digital future of Hungary and Europe.’
Dr. András Koltay, President
Our mission
The mission of the NMHH is ...
- ... to work for a sustainable digital future for the media, electronic communications and postal services markets and for Hungarian citizens and businesses, in partnership with all stakeholders, by carrying out its complex tasks as defined by law;
- ... to support the safe integration of Hungarian society, economy and culture into the digital world, to protect children in the online space and to promote optimal market solutions as a professional and cooperative public authority;
- ... to ensure a predictable, supportive and sustainable regulatory environment for Hungarian citizens and businesses in the areas it supervises, and for the continued development of competition in the market.
Our values
Proactive services and professionalism
Forward-looking professionalism
The success of the NMHH is based on a professional workforce that understands the development, challenges and impacts of the digital world in the media, communications and online platforms. There is a constant need to expand knowledge, to be aware of relevant social, economic and technological trends and to identify the changes they bring.
The NMHH strives to identify and address regulatory and societal challenges in the digital world in a timely manner, and to this end, acting within its powers, it takes or initiates the necessary steps independently.
New and innovative digital services and technologies are constantly emerging in the world of communications and media, with unprecedented impacts on market conditions, regulation and society. The NMHH follows market, social and technological changes with an open and innovative approach.
As a responsible authority, the NMHH strives to find consensual, balanced solutions that are legal, appropriate and work in practice to address the problems and situations identified.
In its activities, the NMHH works in a spirit of mutual support, assistance and cooperation between equals to achieve the objectives coordinated with its partners.
The NMHH strives to address the needs of the users, its customers and partners in the media, communications and online markets in a complex way, and to continuously adapt its professional work to these needs in a spirit of humanity, helpful attitude and goodwill.
Strategic road map
- Media: a healthy and balanced media market
- Communications: modern communications infrastructure and services
- Platforms and new media: a safe and predictable online world and platforms
- Partnership: active engagement and partnership with all stakeholders
- Organisation: modern, professional, well-known and recognised authority
Strategic objectives and actions
Media – a healthy and balanced media market
Taking a modern and active role in the media market
- Understanding the emerging new media culture and developing the media administration system as necessary
- Renewing the communication of Media Council decisions
Promoting media market cooperation and dialogue
- Developing a system of media market cooperation agreements, institutional background and internal processes
- Supporting the preservation of Hungarian content and culture in the Hungarian media market and also beyond the borders, strengthening links with media workshops beyond the borders
- Encouraging the development of further self- and co-regulation, contributing to its implementation
Up-to-date knowledge of media market changes
- Renewing and modernising the system for monitoring media content in Hungary (IRIS)
- Expanding the media database, renewing media and advertising market research
- Renewing the operation of the Institute for Media Studies
Communications – modern communications infrastructure and services
Promoting digital development, competition, innovation and security
- Designing, developing and implementing new regulatory instruments to stimulate competition
- Mapping international secondary spectrum trading practices from a competition perspective
- Encouraging and strengthening the role of litigation procedures (with a focus on passive infrastructure sharing), developing further guidelines
- Developing regulatory proposals arising from the modernisation of high-speed electronic communications networks and market changes, and to support the rapid deployment of networks
- Developing a regulatory proposal on the resolution of disputes brought by subscribers to telecommunications services
- Launching a tool to compare electronic communications subscriber offers (DCT)
- Increasing consumer awareness by improving the Average Monthly Cost Indicator (ÁHK)
- Assessing and developing management of M2M and extraterritorial identifier management needs
- Developing risk analysis and security regulatory best practices and recommendations for communications service providers
Conscious and modern radio spectrum management
- Developing a proposal for the next cycle of the radio spectrum strategy, taking the changing role of infrastructure providers and emerging private network and vertical needs into account
- Providing priority support for the development of new generation mobile technologies and performing the necessary spectrum management tasks
- Developing a strategy for the future of the UHF band, developing a technical proposal for a national position on WRC-23
- Further developing the population exposure map to improve measurement capabilities in bands below 30 MHz
Strengthening space telecommunications competence
- Meeting the spectrum needs of satellite services/applications as far as possible, in line with the National Space Strategy
- Strategic cooperation with governmental actors in space telecommunications and space programmes
- Expanding the role of the NMHH as an intermediary in space telecommunications and strengthening the NMHH’s involvement in the development of domestic space capabilities, space industry and R&D cooperation
Renewal of postal supervision
- Analysing and reviewing postal market regulation
- Modernising and strengthening postal consumer protection
- Strengthening the NMHH’s postal supervision activities
- Increasing the NMHH’s role in informing postal consumers to raise awareness
Platforms and new media – a safe and predictable online world and platforms
Preparing for the new challenges of the digital world
- Establishing the online platform knowledge centre of the NMHH
- Organizational preparation for the regulation of online platforms, development of the role of the NMHH, regulatory and expert support for the preparation of the organizational background and regulatory proposals
- Examining domestic regulatory needs arising from or complementing the application of DSA, DMA regulation, regulatory and expert support for the preparation of regulatory proposals
Promoting conscious use and media literacy
- Promoting the conscious use of online platforms
- Strengthening the role of the NMHH in promoting citizens’ media consumption skills and literacy
- Modernisation of the Magic Valley Media Literacy Education Centres
Strengthening child protection and legal aid
- Strengthening the Internet Hotline
- Strengthening the role of the NMHH in child protection
Partnership – active engagement and partnership with all stakeholders
Taking a proactive leadership role
- Active topic and market monitoring, strengthening professional coordination in the development of the NMHH’s position and communication on major market events
- Strengthening the role of the NMHH in the sustainable operation of the communications infrastructure
- Supporting the scientific development and publication activities of the NMHH staff
Strengthening the partnership and service provider authority approach
- Mapping online platform providers and developing partnerships with intermediary service providers covered by the new EU regulations (DSA, DMA)
- Providing customers, stakeholders, industry players with relevant market information through the development of market reports
- Cooperating with market actors and partner institutions on knowledge sharing and possible joint work
- Strengthening the service provider character of the authority in customer relations matters by publishing additional guides and guidelines
- Making Hungarian audiovisual cultural assets searchable, making Hungarian media content available to public collections (through the IRIS system)
Increasing cooperation with universities and other educational and scientific institutions
- Raising university and other educational and scientific cooperation to a strategic level, providing the organisational background, processes and staff to develop them
- Developing a system of scientific cooperation and training for young people in the fields of expertise of the NMHH, and setting up trainee programmes
- Exploring new cooperation opportunities with universities and other educational institutions, launching academic partnership programmes with foreign institutions
- Strengthening media education, building partnerships and developing professional standards in media education
- Contributing to the raising the professional standards of journalism education
- Supporting the development of the next generation of telecommunications engineers
Deepening administrative relations
- Strengthening the NMHH’s supporting, mediating role between market players and government actors
- Developing a partnership with relevant actors in the national public administration for the effective implementation of EU regulation on online platforms
- Strategic-level policy partnership with government actors
- Modernising cooperation between the Hungarian Competition Authority and the NMHH in line with market changes
Organisation – modern, professional, well-known and recognised authority
Providing a strong and modern institutional background, working conditions and human resources
- Providing a modern, sustainable and energy-conscious working environment that promotes efficient working
- Attracting and retaining young expertise in professional fields, strengthening training for the future generation of professionals
- Developing personal and leadership skills
- Strengthening cooperation with universities and other educational institutions
- Supporting the development of modern professional skills
- Establishing programmes improving employee satisfaction
Developing a modern IT environment and operational modernisation
- Creating an IT strategy, developing a framework for cooperation between separate information systems
- Developing a new workflow for the digital procurement system
- Developing a data strategy, examining the professional utilisation opportunities of the NMHH data assets
- Developing proposals to simplify and automate data reporting to the NMHH
Increasing visibility and social responsibility
- Creating proactive communication to increase the visibility of the NMHH
- Preparing the NMHH Social Media Strategy
- Aggregating content of public interest
- Organising national and international conferences and meetings
- Preparing industry summaries, publications
- Increasing the visibility of radio spectrum management and measurement
- Positioning the NMHH as a digital knowledge centre (especially on regulatory issues for online platforms and child protection)
- Increasing the visibility of the Media Council
- Increasing the visibility of the Media and Communications Commissioner, sharing best practices that protect or enhance consumer interests
Developing a modern public authority brand
- Developing and implementing the rebranding of the NMHH
- Creating the Media Council’s independent image
- Organising communication actions showcasing the work of a modern public authority
- Engaging young people in content production
An authority that is also active on the international scene
- Developing the NMHH’s multilateral relations, presenting our regulatory experience internationally
- Contributing professionally to the work of the European cooperation of public authorities in the media and communications sector (ERGA, BEREC, ERGP, etc.), participating actively in EU legislation and other international organisations (ITU, OECD, UPU, etc.)
- Monitoring international trends in the electronic communications, media and postal markets
- Professional support for the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second half of 2024
- Encouraging the NMHH staff to participate in international work
- Organising international workshops and conferences on current regulatory challenges
Our vision for the future
‘Freedom and Security in a Digitalising World’
We are a useful and service-providing authority for Hungarian society, economy and market players, directly contributing to the development and security of a sustainable, modern digital world through our regulatory and support activities and our management of the public assets entrusted to us.
We are active and inescapable shapers of the environment, working in partnership and cooperation with stakeholders to enforce legislation and the public interest through pragmatic official means.
We are a professionally impeccable, open and consciously evolving organisation that is constantly learning, researching and promoting such activities, recognised at home and internationally as a modern and innovative organisation.
Note: the below PDF is available only in Hungarian