Infocommunications Authority launches national campaign to develop digital skills of the elderly

Published: 29 April 2021

When it comes to technology, people over 65 rely mainly on younger members of their family – which is why the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) is targeting both the elderly and their helpers in its latest communication campaign. The central part of Netre fel! is a website that acts as a clear and easily understandable knowledge base even for senior net users. In addition, social and traditional media tools, as well as podcasts, will be used to promote digital inclusion for those 65 and above.

Karas Monika, az NMHH elnöke és Borbás Marcsi televíziós személyiség beszélget az NMHH Netre fel! programjának sajtótájékoztatóján 2021. április 29-én

A number of research shows that elderly people listen to their children and grandchildren when it comes to navigating the digital world, often leaving it to youngsters to take care of their digital affairs. “What Google is to us, the younger generation is to them: they turn to them for help, trusting in their digital skills,” says the NMHH President. Monika Karas says that digital technology is very much integrated into our daily lives and will stay with us even after the pandemic is over. “This is why it is important that members of the older generation are also able to use these tools, and they need help to do so,” says Monika Karas.

The campaign focuses on the elderly and their younger family members who help them

Vái Péter, az NMHH főigazgató-helyettese az NMHH Netre fel! programjának sajtótájékoztatóján 2021. április 29-én

According to Péter Vári, Deputy Director General of the Infocommunications Authority, children and grandchildren can be the most effective helpers to overcome fear and barriers to the use of digital devices among the elderly. The NMHH’s latest communication campaign, Netre fel! builds on this inter-generational reverse knowledge transfer. The primary aim of the initiative is to equip the most digitally disadvantaged target groups with the information and knowledge they need to navigate the digital world confidently. This is particularly necessary at a time when forced isolation leaves the internet as the only window to the outside world. In this environment, the mobile phone is one of the best and easiest tools to use against loneliness and isolation.

Málnai Zsuzsa színésznő interjút ad a Netre fel! programjának sajtótájékoztatóján 2021. április 29-én

“It is mostly the elderly who accept digital devices and solutions with reservations or real fear, mainly due to a lack of knowledge,” says Péter Vári, referring to a previous NMHH survey. This survey shows that 82% of grandmothers and 78% of grandfathers have a mobile phone, but only 12% of elderly women and 14% of men are or would be able to use the functions of a smartphone on their own. This is why they are the ones who most need encouragement and help to connect to the digital world and to acquire useful knowledge and digital skills to make everyday life easier.

In addition to the website, the NMHH also provides information on Facebook and in advertisements

Papp János színművész Borbás Marcsi televíziós személyiséggel beszélget a Netre fel! program reklámfilmjének egyik szereplőjeként

The NMHH’s Netre fel! programme aims to be a catalyst for this, with the website as a key element: the two main target groups of the campaign, the elderly and their helpers, can find practical information and useful tips in this continuously expanding digital knowledge base. In addition to public information and informative material, the website also provides coverage maps and customer service contact information, among other things, prepared in consultation with service providers. The website has a simple and easy-to-understand structure, with contrasting colours, linear page layout, large fonts and buttons, making it easier for the elderly to navigate and access information.

The Infocommunications Authority shares regularly updated and relevant content on the NetreFel! Facebook page. Additionally, related TV and radio spots and other media events will be launched in early May. For fans of audio content, a weekly Netre Fel! podcast will be available on Spotify. The ten-part series explores topics related to mobile internet, such as choosing a device, or having fun, learning or shopping online, based on the views of people over 65. The first part of the series, which is aimed primarily at helpers, is available from today on Spotify under NetreFel.

 “Our priority is to educate consumers so that they can make informed choices that improve their quality of life, regardless of their age, and keep pace with the evolution of technology,” said Péter Vári.