Flash report on television – January 2021

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Published: 6 April 2021

Data provided by Magyar Telekom Nyrt., Vodafone group: (UPC Magyarország Kft., Vodafone Magyarország Zrt.), DIGI group: (Invitel Zrt., DIGI Kft.), PR-TELECOM Zrt., Tarr Kft., ViDaNet Zrt., PARISAT Kft., UPC DTH S.à.r.l., Antenna Hungária Zrt.

Summary data of broadcasting subscription service, January 2021

Category Number Note Base
Total number of television subscriptions (estimated): 3 595 000 Number of television subscriptions (regardless of technology). Estimated value for the entire market. [No.] Entire market (estimated value)*
Number of television subscriptions: 3 406 352 Number of television subscriptions (regardless of technology). Based on data from the above mentioned data suppliers, covering ~95 % of the broadcasting market. [No.] 9 major market players
Vezetékes előfizetések száma (KTV, IPTV): In total 2 670 553 Number of broadcasting subscriptions on cable television networks and IP networks. Based on data from the above mentioned data suppliers, covering ~93 % of the wired broadcasting market. [No.] 7 major market players
Analogue subscriptions 626 901 Number of analogue broadcasting subscriptions on cable television networks. [No.] 7 major market players
Digital subscriptions 2 043 652 Number of subscriptions with set-top-boxes. Number of subscriptions where the subscriber termination point is capable of accessing the service and at least one programme is digitally transmitted. [No.] 7 major market players
Number of wireless subscriptions (DTH) 660 419 Satellite broadcasting service subscriptions. Based on data from the above mentioned data suppliers, covering 100% of the wireless broadcasting market. [No.] 3 major market players
Number of MinDig Tv Extra's subscriptions: 75 380 Broadcasting subscription service - on DVB-T standard - provided by Antenna Hungária, covering 100% of these subscriptions. [No.] Entire market: 1 market players
Total number of digital television subscriptions: 2 779 451 Number of digital television subscriptions (regardless of technology). Including: (Digital CATV, IPTV, DTH coded DVB-T) [No.] 9 major market players
Average number of set-top-boxes installed at subscriber termination points (regardless of technology): 1,38 Number of CATV, IPTV, DTH set-top-boxes / Number of CATV, IPTV, DTH subscriptions [No.] 9 major market players
Average number of set-top-boxes installed at subscriber termination points (wired service): 1,43 Number of CATV, IPTV set-top-boxes / Number of CATV, IPTV subscriptions [No.] 7 major market players
Average number of set-top-boxes installed at subscriber termination points (wireless service): 1,24 Number of DTH set-top-boxes / Number of DTH subscriptions [No.] 3 major market players
Average number of smart cards installed at subscriber termination points (MinDig TV Extra service): 1,35 Number of MinDig TV Extra smart cards/ Number of MinDig TV Extra subscriptions [No.] Entire market: 1market players
Note: Users of free-to-air broadcasting services are not included in the table. In January 2019, NMHH specified the basic data used to estimate the entire market.

Number of television subscriptions (based on data from 10 service providers)

Monthly data in the past 12 months
January February March April May June July August September October November December January
Total number of digital television subscriptions 2 755 201 2 761 124 2 772 809 2 778 365 2 781 122 2 779 879 2 776 348 2 775 508 2 782 377 2 785 945 2 784 448 2 776 100 2 779 451
Total number of analogue television subscriptions 647 518 645 804 645 015 643 879 643 284 643 029 640 767 639 963 640 701 633 077 630 876 628 974 626 901
In total 3 402 719 3 406 928 3 417 824 3 422 244 3 424 406 3 422 908 3 417 115 3 415 471 3 423 078 3 419 022 3 415 324 3 405 074 3 406 352
Note: Based on data from the above mentioned data suppliers, covering ~95 % of the broadcasting market.

Ratio of digital television subscriptions (based on data from 10 service providers)

Monthly data in the past 12 months
January February March April May June July August September October November December January
81,0% 81,0% 81,1% 81,2% 81,2% 81,2% 81,2% 81,3% 81,3% 81,5% 81,5% 81,5% 81,6%
Note: Based on data from the above mentioned data suppliers. covering ~95 % of the broadcasting market. Total number of digital television subscriptions / television subscriptions.

Distribution by technology (based on data from 10 service providers)

Monthly data in the past 12 months
January February March April May June July August September October November December January
Ratio of analogue CATV television subscriptions 19,0% 19,0% 18,9% 18,8% 18,8% 18,8% 18,8% 18,7% 18,7% 18,5% 18,5% 18,5% 18,4%
Ratio of DTH. DVB-T television subscriptions 23,6% 23,4% 23,2% 23,2% 23,1% 23,0% 22,9% 22,7% 22,4% 22,2% 21,9% 21,8% 21,6%
Ratio of digital CATV and IPTV television subscriptions 57,4% 57,7% 57,9% 58,0% 58,1% 58,2% 58,4% 58,6% 58,8% 59,3% 59,6% 59,7% 60,0%
Note: Based on data from the above mentioned data suppliers. covering ~95 % of the broadcasting market.

Distribution by service providers regardless of technology, January 2021

SP Share
Telekom 32,5%
DIGI group 28,1%
Vodafone 18,9%
UPC Direct 5,9%
Other service providers 5,2%
Tarr 3,3%
MinDig TV Extra 2,1%
ViDaNet 2,1%
PR-Telecom 1,4%
Parisat 0,5%
Note: The market shares were defined based on the total market's estimated values and technologically neutrally.

Distribution by service providers for wired broadcasting services, January 2021

SP Share
Telekom 33,6%
DIGI group 27,0%
Vodafone 23,7%
Other service providers 6,6%
Tarr 4,1%
ViDaNet 2,6%
PR-Telecom 1,8%
Parisat 0,6%
Note: The market shares were defined on the basis of the number of wired subscriptions (CATV. IPTV) related to the total market's estimated values.

Distribution by service providers for wireless broadcasting services, January 2021

SP Share
DIGI group 32,3%
Telekom 28,5%
UPC Direct 29,0%
MinDig TV Extra 10,2%
Note: The market shares were defined of the total market's estimated values based on the number of wireless subscriptions (DTH. coded DVB-T. ).


Definitions of concepts used in the report:


Based on Act No. LXXIV, 2007 (on the rules of broadcasting and digital switchover). Electronic communication service provided via any of the transmission networks, whereby analogue or digital broadcasting signals are transmitted from the program provider to the receiving set of the subscriber or user, regardless of the transmission network and technology applied. In particular, the following shall be regarded as broadcasting: free-to-air broadcasting, satellite broadcasting, broadcasting via a hybrid fibre-coax transmission system, as well as broadcasting a program by a transmission network using an Internet Protocol, if the type or conditions of the service are equivalent to those of broadcasting or this method substitutes broadcasting performed in another way. Broadcasting accessible by a subscriber as a separate service or included in a package together with other electronic communications services against a fee shall also be regarded broadcasting. However, signal transmission via a network suitable for connecting less than 10 receiving sets shall not classify as broadcasting.

Wired broadcasting

Broadcasting subscription service provided through cable television networks (CATV) and IP networks (IPTV).

Wireless broadcasting

Satellite (DTH) broadcasting service subscriptions.


Cable television network. Cable television networks are wired infrastructures capable of distributing radio and television signals to subscribers.


Internet Protocol Television. Digital television service provided through IP (Internet Protocol).


Direct-to-Home. Broadcasting service provided through satellites.


Electronic device connected to the television set and an external signal source, capable of converting the incoming signals to content that can be displayed on the television screen.

MinDig TV Extra

Broadcasting subscription service – on DVB-T standard - provided by Antenna Hungária.


Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial. The standard of digital terrestrial video broadcasting.

Smart card

Smart card provided by service provider which is necessary to use of MinDig TV Extra coded service.

Market size

Determined by expert estimates based on data collected by the National Media and Infocommunications Authority for the entire market, and market research information. Estimations for the total market of television subscriptions cannot be compared with the previous Flash Report as NMHH made some corrections on the database in January 2019.

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