Call for consultation on the draft documentation of the auction procedure announced for frequency use entitlements supporting the introduction of 5G and those related to additional wireless broadband services

Last updated: 18 June 2019

Based on Article 40/A (4) of Act C of 2003 on Electronic Communications (hereinafter: Electronic Communications Act), the Office of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (hereinafter: Auctioneer) is holding a consultation about the draft tender documentation (hereinafter: Documentation) of the auction procedure for entitlement to frequency use related to the broadband services available on the 700 MHz, 2100 MHz, 2600 MHz and 3600 MHz frequency bands (hereinafter: Auction) at 10 AM, 3 July 2019 in the Dome Room of MOM Cultural Centre (1124 Budapest, Csörsz u. 18.).

At the consultation, representatives of the Auctioneer will be providing detailed information primarily regarding the parameters and use of the available spectrum, the conditions of usage, the activities that can be carried out using the frequencies at hand, as well as the rules of procedure, process, form and basic rules of the Auction.

The consultation is not open to the Press. Participation at the consultation requires registration in advance. Parties intending to participate in the consultation are asked to RSVP via e-mail to by no later than 12:00 PM on the preceding day, also specifying the name(s) of attendee(s).

Each natural person, legal entity and other legally competent organisation may be represented by up to four attendees. Before the start of the consultation, proof of proxy authorisation shall be provided.

Written questions in connection with the consultation may be sent to the Auctioneer in advance to any of the contact information below:

Mailing address: 1525. Pf. 75.

Fax: +36 468 0682


“Cégkapu” (Company portal):

Short name of the Authority: NMHH;

Full name of the Authority: National Media and Infocommunications Authority;

KRID: 516334978

Pursuant to Article 40/A(6) of the Electronic Communications Act, the Auctioneer shall respond in writing to the questions presented verbally at, and submitted in writing for, the consultation, and, with the exception of any sensitive information protected under Article 33 of the Electronic Communications Act, shall disclose the responses on its website. The responses thus made public by the Auctioneer are informative and, contrary to the Documentation, have no legal effect or legal binding force with regard to individual administrative proceedings or administrative decisions.