Procedural information material on the notification of changes to the data of electronic communications providers and/or services

Last updated: 20 April 2023

1. Type of matter

Notification of changes to the data of an electronic communications service provider and/or service

2. Competent body

Office of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority
Department of Service Registration and Information

Electronic Communications Services Registry Unit
Address: Visegrádi u.106. H-1133 Budapest, Hungary
Mailing address: Pf.: 997. H-1376 Budapest 62.

Customer service: Visegrádi u.106. H-1133 Budapest, Hungary
Telephone: +36 1 468 0673 Fax: +36 1 468 0509

Customer service opening hours:

  • Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Friday: 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

3. Jurisdiction


4. Documents required for the administration

Submitting a notification to the competent body (see point 2) of any changes to the data of the service provider and/or service.

Pursuant to Section 76(6a) of Act C of 2003 on Electronic Communications (hereinafter: the Electronic Communications Act), providers of electronic communications services shall notify the Authority of any changes in the information supplied in the notification, as well as the termination of the provision of electronic communications services within fifteen days. If the provider of electronic communications services fails to notify the Authority of any changes in the information supplied in the notification or the termination of the supply of electronic communications services, the Authority shall have powers to impose a fine upon the infringing service provider.

5. Administrative Time Limit

Unless otherwise provided for in Electronic Communications Act, the administrative time limit for the Authority’s proceedings shall be sixty days. (Section 31(1) of the Electronic Communications Act)

Pursuant to Section 118(3) of Act CL of 2016 on General Public Administration Procedures (hereinafter: the Administrative Procedures Act), an appeal shall be lodged with the authority that has brought the decision within fifteen days following the date of delivery of the decision.

6. Administrative service fee rate and method of payment

The procedure is free of charge.

7. Form(s) used for the administration

An administrative form is available through the NMHH Data Gateway, which can be accessed under related content.

8. Relevant legislation:

  • Act C of 2003 on Electronic Communications
  • Act CL of 2016 on the General Public Administration Procedures
  • Act XCIII of 1990 on Duties
  • Act LXXIV of 2007 on the Rules of Broadcasting and Digital Switchover
  • NMHH Decree No. 5/2016. (VIII. 16.) on the content requirements and accessibility of technical specifications related to the notification of interfaces
  • NMHH Decree No. 5/2011.(X. 6.) on administrative service fees and the method of payment of fees for certain procedures of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority
  • NMHH Decree No. 22/2020. (XII.21.) on the detailed rules of electronic communications subscriber contracts

9. The rights and obligations of the client:

Rights of the client

The client has the following rights under the Administrative Procedures Act:

  • the right of access to documents, right to make copies or extracts,
  • the right to make a statement and to submit a motion for evidence,
  • the right to legal remedy,
  • the right to information,
  • the right to use one’s own language,
  • the right to the protection of data protected by law.

Obligations of the client

The client has the following obligations under the Administrative Procedures Act:

  • the client must act in good faith and must not act in such a way as to deceive the authority or unduly delay decision-making or enforcement.