Share of news reports on crime on a monthly basis, 2015

In 2015, the Authority analysed 727 broadcasting hours of the three national media service providers considered to have substantial influence and found that 14.3% were reporting about some type of crime. This represents over three per-cent reduction in comparison with the previous year (17.6%). Programme editors mainly focused on criminal cases of Hungarian relevance (89.1%).

During the period concerned, no media service provider’s news programme exceeded the statutory limit. The frequency of such reports has drastically decreased in editions of the news programme “Tények” (Facts) compared to 2014 (21.8% vs. 17.5%). In 2015, there were only three months when the share of crime reports exceeded 20%, the highest being 23.3% October. In RTL Klub’s Híradó (News), the share of crime reports continued to decline throughout 2015-ben (13.9% vs. 12.5%), without a single month with a percentage over 20%. For Class FM, occurrences almost (10.2% vs. 5.6%). Despite this positive trend, it must be pointed out that crime remains a major topic in the news programmes of the market-leading commercial television channel, a plausible explanation being that editors of these programmes can exert a greater effect on viewers with illustrated reports.

Share of news reports on crime on a monthly basis, 2015