What are considered content inciting or promoting illegal acts of violence?

Last updated: 14 October 2024

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Illustration: Content inciting acts of terrorism or promoting/contributing to terrorism

This category includes any online content that encourages committing acts of terrorism or promotes terrorism.

Content inciting acts of terrorism or promoting/contributing to terrorism includes messages conveyed through websites, e-mails or chat services that presumably incite acts of terrorism, promote or contribute to terrorism.

Act C of 2012 on the Criminal Code

Acts of Terrorism

Section 314

(1) Any person who commits a violent crime against the persons referred to in Subsection (4) or commits a criminal offense that endangers the public or involves the use of arms in order to:

a) coerce a government agency, another State or an international body into doing, not doing or countenancing something;

b) intimidate the general public;

c) conspire to change or disrupt the constitutional, economic or social order of another State, or to disrupt the operation of an international organization;

is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment between ten to twenty years or life imprisonment.

(2) Any person who:

a) for the purpose defined in Paragraph a) of Subsection (1), seizes considerable assets or property and makes demands to government agencies or international organizations in exchange for refraining from harming or injuring said assets and property or for returning them, or

b) organizes or controls a terrorist group.

shall be punishable according to Subsection (1).

(3) The punishment of any person who:

a) abandons the commission of the terrorist act defined under Subsection (1) or (2) before any grave consequences have resulted therefrom; and

b) confesses his conduct to the authorities;

in such a manner as to cooperate with the authorities to prevent or mitigate the consequences of such criminal act, apprehend other coactors, and prevent other criminal acts may be reduced without limitation.

(4) For the purposes of this Section, violent crime against the person, or criminal offense that endangers the public or involves the use of arms shall include:

a) homicide [Subsections (1)-(2) of Section 160], battery [Subsections (2)-(6) and (8) of Section 164], professional misconduct with intent [Subsection (3) of Section 165];

b) kidnapping [Subsections (1)-(4) of Section 190], violation of personal freedom (Section 194);

c) offenses against transport security [Subsections (1)-(2) of Section 232], endangerment of railway, air or water transport systems [Subsections (1)-(2) of Section 233];

d) misappropriation of radioactive materials [Subsections (1)-(2) of Section 250];

e) assault on a public official [Subsections (1)-(5) of Section 310], assault on a person entrusted with public functions (Section 311), assault on a person aiding a public official or a person entrusted with public functions (Section 312), assault on a person under international protection [Subsection (1) of Section 313];

f) unlawful seizure of a vehicle [Subsections (1)-(2) of Section 320], public endangerment [Subsections (1)-(3) of Section 322], interference with works of public concern [Subsections (1)-(3) of Section 323], criminal offenses with explosives or blasting agents [Subsections (1)-(2) of Section 324], criminal offenses with firearms and ammunition [Subsections (1)-(3) of Section 325];

g) criminal offenses with weapons prohibited by international convention [Subsections (1)-(5) of Section 326], criminal offenses with military items and services [Subsections (1)-(3) of Section 329], criminal offenses with dual-use items [Subsections (1)-(2) of Section 330];

h) robbery [Subsections (1)-(4) of Section 365] and vandalism [Subsections (1)-(6) of Section 371];

i)  information system fraud [Subsections (2)-(4) of Section 375], breach of information system or data [Subsections (1)-(4) of Section 423].

Section 315

(1)  Any person who instigates, suggests, offers, joins or collaborates in the commission of any of the criminal acts defined in Subsection (1) or (2) of Section 314 or any person who is involved in aiding and abetting such criminal conduct by providing any of the means intended for use in such activities is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment between two to eight years.

(2)  Any person who is engaged in the conduct referred to in Subsection (1) or in the commission of any of the criminal acts defined in Subsection (1) or (2) of Section 314 in a terrorist group, is punishable by imprisonment between five to ten years.

(3) The perpetrator of a criminal act defined in Subsection (1) or (2) shall not be prosecuted if he confesses the act to the authorities first hand and unveils the circumstances of the criminal act.

Section 316

Any person threatening to commit a terrorist act is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment between two to eight years.

Section 316/A

(1) Any person entering or leaving, or travelling through the territory of Hungary:

a) with intent to instigate, suggest, offer or undertake, or to join or collaborate in the commission of any of the criminal acts defined in Subsection (1) or (2) of Section 314 or who is involved in aiding and abetting such criminal conduct by providing any of the means intended for use in such activities, and/or

b) with intent to join a terrorist group,

is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment between two to eight years.

(2) Any person who makes the travel arrangements referred to in Subsection (1), or who provides or collects funds for such travel arrangements shall be punishable in accordance with Subsection (1).